*Disclaimer* This was supposed to be a short "Hello world, I'm starting a blog again because that's much cooler than doing a livejournal" post, which spiraled out of control.
Disciplines are all about the purity that is begat by process, the slow and steady march of doing something with consistent sustained excellence, seeking to get ever better each time you do it. I remember working at Taco Bell, and the goal was to make each item incredibly quickly with just the precise amount of dog meat. Each taco you made, you got a bit better...muscle memory improved, you figured out new tricks, and your communications skills with your teammates grew.
I want to think about things, and I want to get better at writing! This means that I need to write frequently and push myself to get better at it, submitting myself to the purification of routine. So each and every day, I'm planning to write a short blog post about whatever's on my mind, be it Buckeye football, some wild hare political concept, or whatever it is God's trying to show me but I just can't see.
And in the spirit of getting better, I *shudder* welcome helpful criticism. So please let me know what you think, especially if you can think of a way for me to get better at the writing bit.
P.S...what do you feel like you need to do every day?
1 comment:
Read my Bible.
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